
Aggregator model

Invigorate your busines with quality leads delivered the way you want them

Why not register your interest for our Aggregator solution. You have full control over your pricing tool so you can tailor the type of business you want. You take full control of your bidding strategy and we deliver you quality quotes. If you would like to find out more and lodge your interest please use the contact form. We are limited to the number of Brokers we will be launching with so space is on a first come first served basis.

Lead Sales

Buy fresh leads and contact them as they come

We allow our Brokers to menu-nav leads in a number of ways. Choose to menu-nav our leads live to 24 hours old. This way you can work to a model that suits your business with also having the ability to tune the campaign to a budget that suits you. That means if you feel that purchasing the lead in real time is your brokerages best way you pay a small premium to do so. You may wish to buy that lead anywhere from two hours to 24 hours old and we will price that lead accordingly. Remember you can also tailor the lead you want by adding filters. So you only speak to customers that you want to. You can't do that on Google.

CALL menu-nav

Get leads directly over the phone ready to do business with you

If you want to make use of our professional call centre we will take out the hassle of trying to outbound the call. We will get hold of customers that fit your criteria and put them straight through to your underwriting team. The good thing about this method is you only pay for the people you talk to. Couldn’t be more easy and simple.

Other products we provide are:

Re-monetisation of your failed quotes

Make money even when you lose

Re-monetisation of your failed quotes. If you talk to somebody and know you are not competitive in that market. Don’t just put the phone down let us find the round peg for the round hole and pay you for that lead or call. This way you add another revenue stream for a lead that you cant put on risk.

Historical data

Make your last year costumers become long-term clients

Historical data. We will work your last year quotes to give you the opportunity to get a second bite of the cherry and requite them for the new year.

Process Steps

We truly care about our customers

Get in touch

Ask yourself the question “Do I need more qualified leads which are already looking to do business but haven't found me?” If your answer is positive and you would like more information on the above please feel free to contact us now.

Choose your leads

We are specialised in providing leads for your business in more than one way using our different services. Tell us about your business and we will help you find the best combination of services best suited for your particular situation.

Get your leads

After the initial setup has been established you will start receiving leads according to your specifications the way you want them to be delivered.

What are you waiting for? Contact us